
This section is designed for activists who want to obtain information to use at Branch level.  Whether you are a Branch Secretary or a workplace steward you should find something of interest.

From UNISON’s national Website you will find documents containing data, statistics and analysis on a huge range of important issues. You will be able to access thousands of publications produced by Labour Research Department.

Branches can order publicity and campaigning materials from here. (Registration required for the first order.)

The National Website contains a one-stop online shop for UNISON branches including application forms, logos, catalogues and campaign materials:

Activists are also able to download Branch and Regional Newsletters as well as view the contact details of all UNISON North West Branches.

The Finance pages enable activists to download claim forms, including conferences, Branch Funding Criteria and Branch Hardship funds.


• To find out more about membership benefits contact our helpline, UNISONdirect on 0845 355 0845. Lines are open 6am-midnight Mon to Fri and 9am-4pm Sat.

If you wish to join UNISON Click here

UNISON - Fighting for decent pensions.